How Can We Save the Honeybee?

Without the honeybee (and other bee species, for that matter), the world would be quite different to the one we are familiar with today. In fact, because bees are such important pollinators, much of the food we eat every day would no longer exist if the bees were to become extinct. According to the good folk at Project Honey Bee, the security of the global food chain is under threat because of how rapidly the bee population is declining. They say that unless we act now, we are likely to lose all the plants that bees pollinate as well as all the animals that eat those plants. To that end, we would struggle to feed the global population.

It is important that humanity does as much as possible to save the honeybee. If everyone did something small to help the bees, it could have a massive impact on their population. But what can you do on a personal level? Here are just a few ideas:

Stop Using Chemicals

Pesticides and other chemicals are harmful for bees and are contributing to their decline. You can do your bit by avoiding using toxic substances in your green spaces. If you are trying to deter garden pests, use organic products or solutions you have made yourself from natural ingredients.

Grow a Bee-Friendly Garden

If you want to do your bit for the bees, you can do it effortlessly by planting a variety of flowering plants in your garden. Bees love wildflowers as well as lavender, buddleia, marigolds, and primrose. Even if you don’t have a garden, you can plant flowers in boxes, planters, and even window boxes. Try to include plants that will flower in the spring and the summer, giving bees the opportunity to forage for longer.

Keep a Bee Hotel

Bees not only need access to food and water, but they also need shelter. Some solitary bees can even use a bee hotel as long-term accommodation. Bee hotels provide a place for bees to rest and get shelter, and they can be purchased ready-made or made yourself from hollow canes, twigs, and string. You can then hang it in the garden, where the bees and other insects will find it.

Buy Local Produce

You can do your bit by only buying local produce. When you buy organic, locally produced fruits, vegetables, and meat, you are supporting earth-friendly, sustainable agriculture, which is better for bees. Honey from local beekeepers is another terrific way to ensure the survival of the honeybee. You will also be pleasantly surprised at how different this honey tastes when compared to mass produced honey.

Spread Awareness

Many people are oblivious to the plight of the honeybee, but you can do your bit by getting involved with organizations that are working hard to save the bees. For example, Project Honey Bees creates fabulous bee-inspired jewelry and every piece purchased means another bee adoption. Bee adoption helps to aid in conservation of this vital species.


The honeybee is one of the world’s most important pollinators and together with other insects is responsible for pollinating much of what we eat today. However, the honeybee population is rapidly declining, leading to the potential for global food shortages.

The good news is that every single person can do their bit to help the survival of the honeybee and other bee species by becoming taking small steps. This could include creating a bee friendly garden, keeping a bee hotel, spreading awareness, and buying local produce. Another wonderful way to help bees is to stop using chemical products in gardens and switch instead to natural products.